Injection Molding Process of Arc Ball Set
Received:December 01, 2015  Revised:January 10, 2016
中文关键词: 钢珠套  产品设计  注塑  工艺
英文关键词: ball set  product design  injection  processing
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Hai-yan North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
LI Dong-hua North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
ZHANG Li-na North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
ZHENG Xu-dong North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
FU Wei North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
JIANG Chun-mao North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
LIU Yan North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
DONG Zhi-xiu North Hua′an Industrial Group Co. LTD. Qiqihar 161046 China 
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      目的 弧形钢珠套自身存在均匀性分布难的特性, 产品还需要满足钢珠套的内外径与其他零部件合形装配的要求。针对以上两大难点, 需要对产品结构以及工装、 加工工艺进行优化改进, 确保加工出合格的产品。方法 通过理论分析与计算, 设计出了合理的弧形钢珠套结构。根据弧形钢珠套结构设计了注塑加工的模具, 加工出了满足要求的产品。 结果 在第一次模具结构柜机中缺乏型芯定位, 在注塑过程中, 在注塑压力对塑料的巨大冲击作用下, 导致了钢珠偏心现象。通过模具的改进解决了钢珠偏心问题。 结论 弧形钢珠套零件结构和注塑模具结构设计合理。
      The aim of this study was to optimize the product structure, tooling and processing so as to ensure the processing of qualified products in view of two difficulties that uniform distribution is not easy for arc steel ball and products need to meet the shape assembly of inside and outside diameter of steel ball and other parts. Though theoretical analysis and calculation, a set of reasonable structure of arc steel ball was designed. According to the mould structure design of arc ball set injection molding, the product meeting the requirements was processed. The first mold structure lacked core positioning. Therefore, in the processing, the huge impact of plastic injection pressure resulted in eccentric phenomenon of steel ball. And the mold improvement solved the problem of eccentric ball. The part structure of the arc steel ball set and the injection mold structure design were reasonable.
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