Time-dependent Springback Tests and the Finite Element Exploration of DP600 after Bending
Received:November 15, 2015  Revised:January 10, 2016
中文关键词: AZ31镁合金  显微组织  力学性能
英文关键词: DP600,time-dependent springback  the finite element analysis  residual stress
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (51175044)
Author NameAffiliation
FU Ze School of Materials Science and Engineering Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081 China 
E Da-xin School of Materials Science and Engineering Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081 China 
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      目的 初步探索室温下板材弯曲滞后回弹的变化规律及产生原因。方法 对DP600高强度钢板进行不同弯曲角的三点弯曲试验, 在室温下测量卸载瞬时回弹及长达1个月的滞后回弹, 同时应用ABAQUS软件中的蠕变模型类比进行有限元分析。 结果 滞后回弹角随时间大致呈指数规律增长, 最后逐渐趋于稳定。在原有蠕变模型基础上引入一个修正系数 k, 改进模型的计算结果与实验值吻合较好; 滞后回弹过程中板材内应力分布逐渐趋于平缓。结论 残余应力的释放是驱动滞后回弹的一种原因。
      To initially explore the time-dependent springback change law and reason of the blank at temperature. Different bending angels of three-point bending tests were taken of high strength steel sheet DP600,then the instantaneous springback angels and time-dependent springback angels for up to a mouth were measured at room temperature,meanwhile the finite element analogy analysis was proceeded with creep model of ABAQUS software. Time-dependent springback angels changed in a exponential growth law over time and finally trended to be stable. The correction coefficient k was introduced to the original creep model, the calculation result of the update model has good agreement with the experimental values. Stress distribution in the plate gradually flattened out. The release of residual stress is one kind of causes of the time-dependent springback.
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