热轧工艺对AZ31镁合金组织和性能的影响 |
Effects of Hot Rolling Processes onMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy |
Received:November 16, 2015 Revised:January 10, 2016 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2016.01.010 |
中文关键词: AZ31镁合金 显微组织 力学性能 |
英文关键词: AZ31 alloy microstructure mechanical properties |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (51374110); 广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目 (2015A030312003) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究大变形量热轧、 累积叠轧和普通热轧3种不同加工工艺及后续热处理对AZ31镁合金的组织及室温力学性能的影响。方法 将均匀化处理后的AZ31原始样品采用大变形热轧、 累积叠轧和普通热轧3种不同加工工艺制备成板材, 并进行了后续热处理。利用EBSD技术和力学性能测试, 解释了其组织和性能的关系。结果 剧烈塑性变形工艺及适宜的热处理工艺, 可使AZ31镁合金保持高强度的同时还可兼顾优良的室温延伸率。大变形量热轧工艺制备的AZ31镁合金板材的细晶组织及室温拉伸性能, 可与累积叠轧等传统剧烈塑性变形工艺相媲美, 屈服强度达到289 MPa, 延伸率为7%。结论 与普通热轧工艺制得的AZ31镁合金板材相比, 大变形量热轧工艺及累积叠轧工艺制得的板材具有更高的强度和塑性。剧烈塑性变形镁合金在低温退火后获得的混晶组织, 具有优良的综合力学性能, 强度比形变态样品略低, 而塑性与完全退火样品相同甚至更好。 |
英文摘要: |
The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of three different hot rolling processes and subsequent annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy. AZ31 sheets were fabricated by large strain hot rolling (LSHR),accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) and normal hot rolling and subsequent annealing. Tensile test were conducted on the samples with different states. The EBSD and optical microscope were used to analyze the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of the samples. The results showed that excellent mechanical properties can be achieved by serve plastic deformation process and a suitable heat treatment. LSHR was proved a dependable method to produce ultra-fine microstructure as well as ARB, the yield stress and elongation of LSHRed samples are 298 MPa and 7%,respectively. The mechanical properties of samples produced by LSHR are much better than the samples produced by normal hot rolling. The samples after serve plastic deformation and low temperature annealing hasexcellent mechanical properties,the strength of the sample is slightly lower than the deformed samples,andductilityis similar to fully annealed sample the or even better. |
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