Study of Microstructure and Properties of Thermal Polyurethane Nanocomposite Foams
Received:September 16, 2015  Revised:January 10, 2016
中文关键词: 微发泡  热塑性聚氨酯  微发泡注塑成型  纳米粘土复合泡沫
英文关键词: microcellular structure  thermal polyurethane foam  nanoclay  MuCell injection moldi
Author NameAffiliation
Xin-chao WANG National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Polymer Processing Technologies Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450002 China 
Yi-yan PENG Kelvin Innovation LLC Madison WI 53705 USA 
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      要研究了纳米粘土含量对热塑性聚氨酯 (TPU) 复合泡沫的结构与性能的影响。通过扫描电镜 (SEM) 观察TPU泡沫的微孔结构发现: 随着纳米粘土含量的增加, 微孔的直径显著减小且数量明显增加。拉伸测试发现纳米粘土含量增加到5%(质量分数)时, TPU复合泡沫的力学性能增加了56.3%, 而复合泡沫的密度却减小了12.5%。研究认为可以通过改变纳米填料的含量, 来调节聚合物复合泡沫的微观结构和机械性能, 这对微孔聚合物泡沫的工业生产有着重要的指导意义。
      The microstructure and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane(TPU)with organic modified clay nano?composite foams were studied by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and mechanical tests. The cell diameters of the TPU/clay foams became smaller,and the cell numbers significantly increased as the clay content increased. The relationship between clay content and the mechanical properties of TPU/clay foams was also investigated. The results showed that the mass density of nanocomposite foams was lowered by 12.5 wt% when the clay loading level was 5 wt% in the nanocomposite foams. Meanwhile, the tensile strength at 300% strain of the nanocomposite foams with 5 wt% clay increased by 56.3% compared to pure TPU. This study shows that light weight,high strength TPU/clay nanocomposite foams can be produced by loading a moderate amount of clay into the TPU matrix.
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