Polycarbonate Melt Rheological Characteristics and Evolutionary Regularity of Cavity Pressure in Compression Process
Received:September 30, 2015  Revised:January 10, 2016
中文关键词: 压缩  流变  压力平台  聚碳酸酯
英文关键词: compression  rheology  pressure plateau  polycarbonate
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (11272291;11432003)
Author NameAffiliation
CAO Wei National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Ploymer Processing Technology Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450002 Chin 
ZHANG Shi-xun National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Ploymer Processing Technology Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450002 Chin 
WANG Tao Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials Beijing 100095 China 
HUA Shao-zhen National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Ploymer Processing Technology Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450002 Chin 
LU Gui-xiang National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Ploymer Processing Technology Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450002 Chin 
SHEN Chang-yu National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Ploymer Processing Technology Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450002 Chin 
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      聚碳酸脂熔体在压缩中, 既有压缩方向运动又有其垂直方向上的运动, 其流变特征比纯剪切或拉伸复杂, 型腔压力也呈现出不同于传统注射成型的变化规律。用压缩流变实验研究了压缩过程中应力与压缩速度、 熔体温度之间的依赖关系, 用等厚度板及变厚度板成型实验研究了型腔压力的变化规律, 探索了熔体温度和压缩速度对型腔压力的影响。实验表明压缩过程中压缩力呈现‘steep—steady—steep—steady’ 模式, 低温和高速容易引起压缩力的异常变化, 注压成型的压缩阶段具有常规注射成型的后充填和保压的功效, 压力出现平台区, 随后缓慢下降, 压力增大与减小幅度基本一致。
      The polycarbonate melt motions on both compressing and vertical directions during compressing lead the corresponding rheological characters are more complicate than shear flow or extension,and cavity pressure variation is different from conventional injection molding. The stress dependence on velocity, melt temperature during compression was studied by compressing rheological experiments. The iso-thick and variable thick plates injection-compression moldings were carried out to explore the cavity pressure variations and the influence of melt temperature and compressing speeds to cavity pressure. The experimental results indicate the cavity pressure variation exhibits‘steep-steady-steep-steady’mode, too low and high melt temperature can induce the abnormal change of cavity pressure,and compression plays the same role as post-filling and packing of injection molding. It is also found the cavity pressure exhibits plateau during compressing,then decline slowly,and pressure increase and decrease scales keep consistent.
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