Introduction to Stresses During Injection Molding Process
Received:December 04, 2015  Revised:January 10, 2016
中文关键词: 注射成型  成型应力  在线测量  数值模拟
英文关键词: injection molding processing  processing-induced stresses  real-time measurement  numerical simulation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (11372285); 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室开放课题 (GZ1203)
Author NameAffiliation
LI Hai-mei 1. College of Material Science and Engineering at Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China2.The State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment at DLUT Dalian 116023 China 
LI Rui-bo College of Material Science and Engineering at Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China 
CHEN Jin-tao College of Material Science and Engineering at Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China 
ZHANG Ya-fei College of Material Science and Engineering at Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China 
CAO Fang-jie College of Material Science and Engineering at Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China 
LUO Fei College of Material Science and Engineering at Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China 
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      注射成型过程中的应力对成型质量、 制品性能有重要的影响, 尤其对于医疗、 光学等高附加值的塑料制品。控制并量化成型过程中的应力, 对成型机理的研究、 成型质量的控制意义重大, 因此一直是注射成型加工的研究热点。现阶段注射成型过程中的应力量化是通过对注塑产品的实验测量和数值模拟实现的。实验测量的方法包括: 光弹法、 剥层法、 钻孔法、 超声波及化学探针技术, 但这些测量须在制品成型加工结束后才能实施, 在线检测的研究较少。数值模拟利用流动充填、 冷却不同的数学物理模型, 分别求解制品的流动应力、 热应力, 二者叠加作为制品的应力值, 不考虑脱模机械力可能带来的应力, 对成型过程总应力的预测有一定的局限性。成型过程的应力测量及监测是发展趋势之一。
      Stresses induced by injection molding process have significant effects on processing quality and products final performance,especially on the properties of biomedical-and optical-injection molded parts with higher prices. Controlling and minimizing the negative processing-induced stresses values is one of the research hot spots, which is important for scientific theory and injection-processing. Nowadays residual stresses values of injection-molded parts,instead of the processing-induced stresses,are obtained by experiments or numerical simulation. The current methods for stress measurement include birefringence measurement, layer-removal method,hole-drilling method, ultrasonic technology and chemical probe technique. However,the above mentioned methods can only be conducted after the parts are manufactured. There are rare research job for online stress measurement during injection molding processing. The simulated residual stresses results of injection-molded parts are the linear combination of flow-induced stresses and ther-mal-induced stresses based on different mathematical,physical model of filling and cooling stage, respectively. But the prediction results,regardless the ejection induced mechanical stresses,are restrictive validation for processing-induced stresses. Stresses real-time measurement during injection molding processing is a kind of emerging technology and a new fields which will attach more and more attention.
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