Demoulding Structure and Injection Molding Problems Existing in Military Plastic Packing Box
Received:September 10, 2015  Revised:November 10, 2015
中文关键词: 塑料包装箱  多元联合式  注塑疵病  改进
英文关键词: plastic packing box  multi-element combined type  injection molding defects  improvement
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Hai-yan Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
WANG Lian-yi Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
ZHANG Lei Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
QIAN Xiao-liang Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
ZHU Xiao-ying Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
SUN Jia-li Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
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      目的 解决弹用塑料包装箱箱体内部复杂结构不易脱模以及注塑疵病的问题。 方法 采用多元件联合脱模机构,进行模具的改进以及工艺的匹配调试。 结果 多元联合式脱模设计方案彻底解决了弹用塑料包装箱箱体内部复杂结构不易脱模的问题。 通过工装的改进解决了搬手部位熔合不好,熔接痕变深,近似裂纹的注塑疵病。 结论 生产效率大大提高,确保了复杂产品的质量,取得了很好的经济效益。
      This study aimed to solve the difficulty in demoulding due to the complex internal structure of the elastic plastic packing box and the defects of injection molding. The multi-element and stripping mechanism was used for the improvement of the mold and the process of the matching and debugging. The production practice proved that the multi-element combined demoulding design completely solved the difficulty in demoulding due to the internal complex structure of the elastic plastic packing box. Through the improvement of tools, defects of injection molding such as inferior fusion of wrenching part, deepened weld line and crack-like appearance were solved. The production efficiency was greatly improved, and the good quality of complex products was ensured. And good economic benefits were achieved.
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