Application of Friction Welding Technology in Process of Compound Range-extending Shell
Received:September 10, 2015  Revised:November 10, 2015
中文关键词: 壳体  摩擦焊接  工艺
英文关键词: shell  friction welding  technology
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Chun-mao Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
LI Dong-hua Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
SONG Rui-hua Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
ZHAO Guang-jun Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
LIU Yan Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
WANG Bo Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
CHI Wei-heng Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
QIU Zhi-bin Northern Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
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      目的 某复合增程类壳体毛坯为两端盲孔结构,一直采用传统的冲压工艺方式加工,加工难度大,废品率高,材料利用率低,生产效率低,成为困扰生产的窄口。 方法 为彻底解决该问题,开展了壳体摩擦焊接工艺研究,即将壳体毛坯战斗部室和发动机室分开加工,再采用摩擦焊接技术进行连接,并进行小批量焊接试制、热处理、机加、理化分析及动态试验考核。 结果 焊接后的壳体毛坯满足制造与验收规范要求,壳体毛坯材料利用率、良品率、生产效率得到大幅度提高,大大降低了生产成本。 结论 该壳体采用摩擦焊接工艺方式加工可行。
      A blank of compound range-extending shell, which has a blind hole structure at both ends, has been being processed by the traditional stamping technology which has problems such as processing difficulty, high reject rate, low utilization rate of materials and low production efficiency. This has become a bottleneck of production. In this research to solve the problems, the shell friction welding process was studied, and the shell was divided into the fighting part and the engine room to be processed separately, and then the friction welding technology was used to connect them. After small batch welding, heat treatment, machining, physical and chemical analysis and dynamic test were performed for evaluation. After welding, the shell blank could meet the requirements of manufacturing and acceptance, the utilization rate of shell materials, good quality rate and production efficiency were greatly improved, the cost of production was greatly reduced. The friction welding process was feasible for the shell.
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