2A12 铝合金平底筒形件充液拉深数值模拟研究
Numerical Simulation of 2A12 Aluminum Flat Bottom Cylindrical Part by Hydromechanical Deep Drawing
Received:September 10, 2015  Revised:November 10, 2015
中文关键词: 充液拉深  2A12 铝合金  平底筒形件  数值模拟
英文关键词: hydromechanical deep drawing  2A12 aluminum  flat bottom cylindrical part  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Xu-guo Tianjin Long March Launch Vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd. , Tianjin 300462, China 
LI Ji-guang Tianjin Long March Launch Vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd. , Tianjin 300462, China 
ZHANG Jie-gang Capital Aerospace Machinery Company, Beijing 100076, China 
TIAN Shu Tianjin Long March Launch Vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd. , Tianjin 300462, China 
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      目的 研究工艺参数对 2A12 铝合金平底筒形件充液拉深成形的影响规律。 方法 采用数值模拟方法,研究了液室压力加载路径、成形液室压力、压边力和压边间隙对板材充液拉深成形效果的影响。 结果 获得了充液拉深成形的失效形式,以及不同工艺参数下零件壁厚减薄率的变化规律。 成形前期,液室压力不宜过大,最大液室压力在 10 ~25 MPa 之间,压边间隙在 1. 05 ~1. 15mm 之内,可有效避免零件过度减薄和法兰起皱。 结论 合理的液室压力加载路径和压边间隙,可以有效地控制零件法兰区起皱,防止凸模圆角处破裂。
      The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of the process parameters on the hydromechanical deep drawing of a 2A12 aluminum alloy flat bottom cylindrical part. The effects of the forming pressure, the loading math, the force and the gap of the blank holder on the hydromechanical deep drawing were analyzed by numerical simulation. The failure types of the hydromechanical deep drawing and the changing pattern of wall thickness distribution of the part under different technical parameters were obtained. In the early stage of forming, the chamber pressure should not be too large, the maximum chamber pressure should be between 10 ~25 MPa, and the blank space should be within 1. 05 ~1. 15 mm. In these conditions, excessive thinning of parts and wrinkle of the flange could be avoided. The results showed that suitable fluid chamber pressure, loading path and blank holder gap can prevent wrinkle of the flange and crack near the punch corner.
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