铜合金厚板封头零件的旋压加工 |
Spinning Processing of Copper Alloy Thick Plate Head Parts |
Received:May 30, 2015 Revised:November 10, 2015 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2015.06.013 |
中文关键词: 铜合金 封头 旋压加工 普旋成形 贴模 |
英文关键词: copper alloy head spinning forming conventional spinning forming stick mold |
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中文摘要: |
目的 加工出 8 mm 厚的较大尺寸铜合金封头零件。 方法 利用卧式数控旋压机,采用普旋成形进行封头零件的制备。 结果 通过工艺试验摸索采用卧式数控强力旋压机进行普旋,加工出厚度 8 mm 的铜合金球形封头零件,拓宽了设备的加工范围,开创了厚板普旋成形的先例,为铜合金球形零件的旋压加工增添了一条新方案。 结论 采用普旋加工厚板铜合金材料封头类零件是可行的,相对其他加工方案具有一定的成本优势,应对材料的减薄、解决零件贴模是旋压加工成败的关键。 |
英文摘要: |
The aim of this study was to work out the larger-size head parts of copper alloy material with a thickness of 8 mm. Using the horizontal CNC spinning machine, the head parts were prepared by conventional spinning forming. Through process optimization, conventional spinning was conducted using the horizontal CNC high-power spinning machine, and copper alloy spherical head parts with the thickness of 8 mm were worked out, which widened the processing range of the equipment, created the first example for conventional spinning forming of thick plate, and added a new scheme for the spinning processing of copper alloy spherical parts. In conclusion, it is feasible to work out thick plate head parts of copper alloy material using conventional spinning. This scheme had certain cost advantage as compared with other processing schemes. The key to the success or failure of the spinning process was the solution to material thinning and stick mold for the part. |
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