汽车车身 6061 铝合金电阻点焊工艺优化
Optimization of Spot Welding for 6061 Al Alloy in Automotive Body
Received:September 10, 2015  Revised:November 10, 2015
中文关键词: 6061 铝合金  正交实验  电阻点焊  优化
英文关键词: 6061 Al alloy  orthogonal experiment  resistance spot welding  optimization
基金项目:重庆市教委/ 科技研究一般项目 (KJ130813)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Wei-sheng Chongqing Pingwei Technology (Group) Co. , Ltd, Chongqing 400026, China 
LI Zhen-kang The Fifth Electronics Research Institute of Ministry and Information Technology, Guangzhou 510610, China 
GAN Gui-sheng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
DING Xing-yu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
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      目的 优化 6061 铝合金电阻点焊工艺参数。 方法 采用正交实验对 2 mm 厚 6061 铝合金薄板进行对接,并进行了方差分析和性能测试。 结果 当选取方差最优方案,即电流 22 kA、电极压力 0. 15 MPa、焊接时间 15 个周波这组焊接参数时,接头抗拉力为 5. 444 kN,较正交实验最大值提高了25. 5% 。 而选取电流22 kA、电极压力0. 20 MPa、焊接时间11 个周波的焊接参数时,接头抗拉力最大,为 6. 262 kN,较正交实验最大值提高了 44. 35% 。 结论 6061 铝合金最佳焊接参数为:电流 22 kA、电极压力 0. 20 MPa、焊接时间 11 个周波。
      The aim of this study was to optimize the parameters of spot welding of 6061 Al alloy. Spot welding of 6061 Al alloy of 2 mm thickness were carried out by orthogonal experiment, the analysis of variance and the performance test were conducted. The optimal scheme of variance was the current of 22 kA, the electrode pressure of 0. 15 MPa and the welding time of 15 frequencies. The maximum tensile force of joints under the optimal scheme of variance was 5. 444 kN, increased by 25. 5% compared with the maximum tensile force in the orthogonal experiment. The optimum parameters of spot welding for 6061Al alloy was the current of 22 kA, the electrode pressure of 0. 20 MPa and the welding time of 11 frequencies. Under these parameters, the tensile strength of joints was 6. 262 kN, increased by 44. 35% compared with the maximum tensile force in the orthogonal experiment.
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