空心阶梯轴温挤压成形数值模拟 |
Numerical Simulation of Warming Extrusion Forming of Hollow Stepped Shaft |
Received:July 09, 2015 Revised:September 10, 2015 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2015.05.017 |
中文关键词: 空心阶梯轴 温挤压 有限元数值模拟 |
英文关键词: hollow stepped shaft warm extrusion finite element numerical simulation |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究空心阶梯轴温挤压成形的可行性。 方法 根据空心阶梯轴的结构特点,确定了成形方案,并利用 Deform-3D 软件进行了有限元数值模拟分析,对成形方案进行了验证。 结果 根据模拟结果得出,锻件的成形效果较好,没有出现充不满和折叠等缺陷,尺寸精度也较好。 结论采用温挤压成形工艺成形空心阶梯轴,获得了满足尺寸要求的空心阶梯轴,成形过程稳定可靠,成形工艺可行。 |
英文摘要: |
The aim of this work was to study the feasibility of hollow stepped shaft forging by warm extrusion. Accord- ing to the structural property of the hollow stepped shaft, the forming program was defined, and Deform-3D technique was used to perform finite element numerical simulation for the forming process, and then the feasibility of the process was validated. The numerical simulation results showed that the forming result was good, without any unfulfilled defects and folding defects, and the dimensional precision was high. In conclusion, hollow stepped shaft meeting the dimensional requirements was obtained by warm extrusion forming process. The forming process was stable and reliable, and the forming technology was feasible. |
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