Digitized Design of Die Forging Process for Cross Axle Component
Received:May 10, 2015  Revised:July 10, 2015
中文关键词: 数字化设计  模锻  模具  工艺设计系统
英文关键词: digitized design  die forging  mould  technical design system
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Zhi-xiang Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute of China, Chongqing 400039, China 
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      目的 设计十字轴零件模锻工艺流程。 方法 运用模锻工艺及模具设计系统,对一种典型十字轴零件的模锻工艺进行数字化设计。 结果 设计证明,采用该系统,仅需少量的人机交互,大幅提高了设计效率,满足产品低成本、短周期、高质量要求,设计效率达到了传统设计方法的 3 倍以上。 结论 模锻成形工艺与模具智能设计系统在辅助设计上产生了显著的优越性,同时还提供了可供参考的极具价值的数据共享平台。
      This experiment designed the die forging process of cross axle component. The design system of die forging process was used for the digitized design of the forming process of a typical cross axle component. Appling this design system of die forging process, the amount of man-machine interactive action was reduced remarkably. The design efficiency of cross axle component was improved by 3 times compared with typical design methods. The design system also satisfied the requirements of low cost, short periods and good qualities of component manufacture. In conclusion, this design system of die forging process has the superiority over conventional methods. Moreover, the design system will supply a digital communication platform for technicians.
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