Precision Forming of the Critical Part Used for Diesel Engine
Received:May 10, 2015  Revised:July 10, 2015
中文关键词: 柴油机  关键件  铸改锻  性能  优化
英文关键词: diesel engine  critical part  change of casting to forging  performance  optimization
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Dong-jun Navy in Datong Military Representative Office, Datong 037036, China 
GUO Ju-shou Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
ZHANG Xue-dong Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
YU Xia Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
WANG Bin Northern General Dynamics Group Company, Datong 037036, China 
KANG Feng Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
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      目的 提高柴油发动机关键件泵体铸改锻后的综合机械性能,采用精密成形技术来实现泵体的组织和性能的一致性控制。 方法 首先通过工艺分析,设计了锻件的形状及其分模方式,建立了锻件的三维实体模型;再根据其工艺方式,设计了模具结构及工艺路线,并对预制坯形状进行了设计。 结果 经过工艺试制,泵体锻件充型饱满,缺陷得到克服,尺寸精度达到了技术要求,泵体的流线连续,晶粒度达 8 级,经铸改锻后性能得到了大幅提升。 结论 通过工艺实验,分析了成形中缺陷产生的原因和控制方法,优化了预制坯设计以及成形关键工艺参数,为确定最终精密成形工艺提供了依据。
      In order to improve the mechanical properties of the pump body used for diesel engine by forging instead of casting, precision forming technology was used to realize consistency control of the organization and the performance of the pump body. Firstly, after the analysis of the technology, the forging shape and mode was designed, and the 3D model of the forging was built. According to the processing technology, the mould structure and the processing pathway as well as the pre-prepared blank were designed. After the trial process, the pump forgings were fully filled, the defects were overcome, and the size accuracy met the technical requirements very well, the streamline was continuous, the grain size was achieved to grade 8. In summary, the performance of the pump had been greatly improved by forging. By the process test, the cau- ses and control methods of forming defects were analyzed, the pre-preparation design and key forming parameters were also optimized, which provided valuable basis for determining the final precision forming process.
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