Comparison of Hub Forming Process Based on the Finite Element Method
Received:May 26, 2015  Revised:July 10, 2015
中文关键词: 有限元  闭式模锻  闭式挤压
英文关键词: finite element  closed die forging  closed extrusion
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Jian-xin Nantong Fuleda Vehicle Accessory Component Co. Ltd. , Nangtong 226300, China 
ZHOU Min Nantong Fuleda Vehicle Accessory Component Co. Ltd. , Nangtong 226300, China 
ZHOU Yu-feng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 对比某型号轮毂成形的工艺方案。 方法 对轮毂在不同条件下的成形过程进行了数值模拟和实验研究,分析成形工艺对应力分布、应变分布、金属流动速度场、成形载荷及内部组织的影响。 结果 坯料在 800 ℃下采用闭式模锻所需成形载荷小,模具结构较简单,内部组织为粒状珠光体,力学性能优于其他 2 种方案下的内部组织魏氏体。 结论 闭塞式挤压和闭式模锻成形等效应力、等效应变、金属流动速度场、成形载荷及内部组织各不相同。 模拟结果可以指导实际生产中工艺方案的选择。
      This experiment compared processing plans for forming of a certain type of hub. The numerical simulation and the experimental research of the forming process of hub were conducted under different conditions to analyze the influ- ence of the forming process on stress distribution, strain distribution, metal flow velocity, forming load and internal organi- zation. The results showed that the forming load for workpieces at 800 ℃ by closed die forging was low, and under this condition, the internal organization was granular pearlite, the mould structure was simple and the mechanical properties of the internal organization were better than those of the widmanstatten under the conditions in the other two processing plans. In conclusion, the closed die extrusion and the closed die forging have differences in the equivalent stress, the equivalent strain, the metal flow velocity and the internal organization. The simulation result is instructive for the choice of the actual production process.
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