Forging Process Improvement on Wedge Rolling with Large Cross-sectional Area Shrinkage
Received:April 22, 2015  Revised:July 10, 2015
中文关键词: 大断面收缩率  楔横轧  工艺改进  有限元分析
英文关键词: large cross-sectional area shrinkage  cross wedge rolling  process improvement  finite element analysis
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Yan-bo School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
CHEN Wen-lin School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
ZHENG Ming-yu Hefei Automobile Forging Co. ,Ltd. , Hefei 230031, China 
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      目的 研究大断面收缩率一次轧制成形的可行性,降低材料利用率。 方法 以某型号变速箱二轴为研究对象,将原来的二次楔轧制改为一次楔轧制,用有限元软件对改进前后工艺进行模拟分析,获得了等效应变、应力场分布和轧制力矩的变化。 结果 模拟结果表明,一次楔轧制变速箱二轴是可行的,料头尺寸得到了减小。 一次楔轧制的端头的应力小于极限应力,没有产生缩颈等缺陷。 结论 改进后的工艺切实可行,节省了材料,而且方便了模具的加工制造。
      The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of cross wedge rolling with one wedge and large section shrinkage,so as to reduce material utilization. The second shaft of automobile gearbox was taken as the research subject, the traditional forging process was improved from twice wedge to one wedge in cross wedge rolling,then the process before and after the improvement was simulated by finite element software. The equivalent strain,the stress distribution and the rolling moment were obtained. The simulation result showed it was feasible to forming the second shaft in gearbox with rolling with one wedge and the size of remnant was reduced. There were no defects such as necking occurred and the stress at the tip by one wedge was lower than the limit stress. The improved process is feasible,not only saving material,but also facilitating the manufacture of mold.
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