Cause Analysis of Bore Cracks in a Projectile
Received:March 20, 2015  Revised:May 10, 2015
中文关键词: 弹体  9260 钢  裂纹疵病  原材料
英文关键词: projectile  9260 steel  crack fault  raw material
Author NameAffiliation
XIA Ke-xiang North Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
JIANG Chun-mao North Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
LIU Hai-yan North Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
FANG Xiao-ling North Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
SUN Jia-li North Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
CHI Wei-heng North Hua'an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      目的 某弹体作为某炮弾一重要零件,材料采用 9260 钢。 研究其在冲压过程中,毛坯内膛出现侧壁拉裂和底部裂纹疵病的原因。 方法 利用理论分析毛坯在冲压过程中的变形机理和金属流动规律,结合理化检测等手段,对弹体疵病产生的原因进行了系统分析。 结果 通过对毛坯成形原理分析和理化检测分析,对裂纹产生的原因进行逐一排查,最终准确找到了该弹体疵病产生的原因。 结论 弹体用 9260 钢原材料存在缩孔残余及沿晶低熔点物质,是造成弹体毛坯侧壁拉裂和裂纹的根本原因。
      As an important part of the artillery elastic body, the projectile was made of 9260 steel material. The cause for cracks on the bore wall and the bore bottom of the blank in the process of stamping was analyzed. Theoretical analysis of the stamping deformation mechanism and the law of metal flow was conducted for the blank, and the cause for projectile faults was systematically analyzed using physical and chemical detection methods. By means of blank forming principle analysis and physical / chemical detection analysis, the causes for the cracks were investigated one by one, and finally the cause for projectile faults was accurately revealed. It was found that the presence of shrinking hole remnant and intercrystalline low-melting point substances in the 9260 steel raw material for the projectile was the fundamental cause for the cracks in the bore wall of the projectile blank.
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