新型等径角挤压工艺下的5052 铝合金变形行为的有限元模拟
Finite Element Simulation of 5052 Aluminum Alloy Deformation Behavior in a New Type of Equal Channel Angular Pressing Process
Received:April 10, 2015  Revised:May 10, 2015
中文关键词: FE-ECAP  变形行为  有限元模拟  5052 铝合金
英文关键词: FE-ECAP  deformation behavior  finite element simulation  5052 aluminum alloy
基金项目:徐州工程学院2014 年大学生创新创业基金(2014134);江苏省大型装备检测与控制重点实验室开放课题(JSKLEDC201309)
Author NameAffiliation
DONG Wei-xia School of Mechanical and Electrical, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou 221018, China 
WANG Xiao-xi School of Mechanical and Electrical, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou 221018, China 
XIA Hua-ming School of Mechanical and Electrical, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou 221018, China 
ZHU Zhen School of Mechanical and Electrical, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou 221018, China 
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      目的 采用新型复合大塑性变形技术正挤压-等径角挤压工艺( FE-ECAP),研究5052 铝合金在室温条件下的变形行为。方法 基于有限元分析软件DEFORM-3D,在FE-ECAP 工艺下对5052 铝合金进行有限元模拟,研究变形过程中挤压载荷、等效应变、金属流动速度等场量的分布规律。结果 5052 铝合金在FE-ECAP 变形过程中,挤压载荷曲线呈双峰形态分布,在挤压模口附近达到第一次峰值,第二次出现在转角处,挤压载荷值为347 kN,同时也是整个挤压过程的最大值;经过FE-ECAP 变形后,等效应变大量累积,使得主要变形区达到了高度均匀的变形状态;坯料外转角处金属的流动速度值大于内转角处的流动速度值。结论 根据以上结果分析,在FE-ECAP 工艺下,为使变形坯料性能优越,应尽量提高坯料变形的均匀性。
      The aim of this work was to use the new type of sever plastic deformation technology called Forward extrusion-equal channel angular pressing (Forward extrusion-equal channel angular pressing, FE-ECAP) to study the deformation behavior of 5052 aluminum alloy at room temperature. Based on the DEFORM-3D finite element simulation software, the deformation behavior of 5052 aluminum alloy was simulated under the FE-ECAP technology, and the squeezing load, equivalent strain and the distribution of velocity during the process of deformation were studied. During the FE-ECAP deformation process, the pressing load curve showed a distribution of double-mountain shape, the first peak value occurred around the mouth of the pressing die, the second one appeared at the corner, and the value of extrusion load reached 347 kN, which was the maximum value in the whole deformation process. After FE-ECAP deformation, the effective strain massively accumulated, which made the main deformation area reached a high degree of highly uniform deformation condition. The metal flow velocity at the outer corner of the billets was larger than the value of flow velocity at the inner corner. According to the results, under the FE-ECAP technology, the uniformity of billets deformation should be improved in order to enhance the performance of the deformed billets.
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