Fundamental Research on Debinding and Sintering of Submicron Pillar Arrays Made by Ceramic Micro Powder Injection Molding
Received:March 10, 2015  Revised:May 10, 2015
中文关键词: 微注射成形  脱脂  烧结
英文关键词: micro injection molding  debinding  sintering
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金(51205081);黑龙江省自然科学基金青年基金( QC2013C048)
Author NameAffiliation
LU Zhen Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
JIANG Shao-song Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
ZHANG Kai-feng Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
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      分析了粉末微注射成形亚微米级结构广阔的应用前景,以及亚微米尺度下脱脂和烧结理论研究的重要意义。综述了不同脱脂阶段的微观结构特征,亚微米尺度对不同阶段粘结剂的脱出机制,以及建立包含微结构比表面积的脱脂时间/ 速率数学模型的研究现状,讨论了获得脱脂过程中保形控制原理,亚微米阵列致密化过程中物质的迁移机制及晶粒长大的主要驱动力,以及坯体几何尺寸对不同烧结阶段物质扩散机制影响规律的关键作用,论述了明确陶瓷亚微米级结构力学特性的重要性。提出了亚微米级结构的脱脂和烧结机理今后的重点研究方向。
      Submicron structures manufactured by micro powder injection molding (PIM) have wide application prospect. It's a new research field to establish the debinding and sintering theory suitable for submicron structures. This project foucs on the fundamental research on debinding and sintering of submicron pillar arrays made by ceramic micro-PIM. A new mathematic model will be established based on and debinding mechanism of submicron pillar arrays. The variation rule of acting force among different particles could be revealed by nano-bending test of debound samples. Quality control principle for the shape of submicron structures during debinding stage will be builded. Densification and microstructure variation of submicron pillar arrays during the sintering stage are important research contents. The effects of physical dimension on the diffusion mechanism will be confirmed by the analysis of sintering dynamics. Nano-compression will be used to test the mechanical property of submicron pillar arrays. The theoretical basis of debinding and sintering could be established on the basis of the study results and certainly has practical value for the manufacturing of ceramic submicron structures.
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