微量P 对Sn-0. 7Cu 无铅钎料高温抗氧化性能的影响
Influence of Trace P on the High-temperature Oxidation Resistance of Sn-0. 7Cu Lead-free Solder
Received:January 16, 2015  Revised:March 10, 2015
中文关键词: 无铅钎料  Sn-0. 7Cu  抗氧化性  微量P
英文关键词: lead-free solder  Sn-0. 7Cu  oxidation resistance  trace P
基金项目:重庆理工大学研究生创新基金重大项目(YCX2013101;YCX2014215);重庆理工大学科研启动基金(2012ZD12);重庆市教委/ 科技研究一般项目(KJ130813)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Qing-meng Chongqing Municipal Engineering Research Center of Institutions of Higher Education for Special Welding Materials and Technology (Chongqing University of Technology), Chongqing 400054, China 
WANG Huai-shan Chongqing Municipal Engineering Research Center of Institutions of Higher Education for Special Welding Materials and Technology (Chongqing University of Technology), Chongqing 400054, China 
MENG Guo-qi Chongqing Municipal Engineering Research Center of Institutions of Higher Education for Special Welding Materials and Technology (Chongqing University of Technology), Chongqing 400054, China 
LUO Hu Chongqing Municipal Engineering Research Center of Institutions of Higher Education for Special Welding Materials and Technology (Chongqing University of Technology), Chongqing 400054, China 
GAN Gui-sheng Chongqing Municipal Engineering Research Center of Institutions of Higher Education for Special Welding Materials and Technology (Chongqing University of Technology), Chongqing 400054, China 
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      目的 研究了微量P 元素的添加,对Sn-0. 7Cu 无铅钎料在高温条件下抗氧化性能的影响。方法 制备了Sn-0. 7Cu 和Sn-0. 7Cu-xP 钎料合金,在250 ~370 ℃温度下,采用目测?旌捅砻婀卧?研究了熔融钎料在高温下的抗氧化性能。结果 微量P 元素能显著提高熔融Sn-0. 7Cu 钎料低温下的抗氧化性能,低温下P 含量为0. 009% 时抗氧化性能最好,当温度超过340 ℃时,抗氧化性能减弱,超过370 ℃时完全失去抗氧化效果。结论 在250 ℃时,Sn-0. 7Cu 钎料的氧化膜生长系数k250 ℃=1. 59×10-6,约为Sn-0. 7Cu-0. 009P 的3 倍,在370 ℃时,Sn-0. 7Cu 钎料的氧化膜生长系数k370 ℃=3. 03×10-6,与Sn-0. 7Cu-0. 009P 的相差不大。
      The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adding trace P elements on the high-temperature oxidation resistance of Sn-0. 7Cu lead-free solder. Sn-0. 7Cu and Sn-0. 7Cu-xP solder alloys were prepared to investigate the influence of trace P on liquid Sn-0. 7Cu lead-free solder in the temperature range of 250 ~370 ℃. The oxidation resistance at high temperature was evaluated by visual observation and surface skimming. The results showed that trace P could significantly improve the oxidation resistance of Sn-0. 7Cu at low temperature and the optimal P content was 0. 009%. The oxidation resistance was weakened when the temperature was higher than 340 ℃and was completely lost when the temperature was over 370 ℃. The growth factor of oxide film on the surface of liquid Sn-0. 7Cu solder (k250 ℃=1. 59×10-6 ) was three times as high as that of Sn-0. 7Cu-0. 009P at 250 ℃, while the growth factor of oxide film on the surface of liquid Sn-0. 7 Cu solder at 370 ℃was very similar to that of the Sn-0. 7Cu-0. 009P solder.
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