过滤器冷挤压模具设计及数值模拟 |
Mold Design and Numerical Simulation of Cold Extrusion for Filte |
Received:November 05, 2014 Revised:January 10, 2015 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2015.01.008 |
中文关键词: 过滤器 冷挤压 模具系统 数值模拟 刚性平移 |
英文关键词: filter cold extrusion mold system numerical simulation rigid translation |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51301105);上海内涵科研建设项目(nhky-2013-05);上海工程技术大学科研创新项目(13KY0516) |
Author Name | Affiliation | LIU Ya-hui | College of Materials Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China | LIU Shu-mei | College of Materials Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China | LIAO Shi-shao | Dongfu Cold Forging Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai 201100, China | MAO De-qing | Dongfu Cold Forging Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai 201100, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 基于实际生产经验,分析冷挤压过程中筒形件的刚性平移现象。方法 通过数值模拟分析了筒形过滤器冷挤压过程中的折叠和和撕裂倾向、金属流动规律和挤压力。 结果 数值模拟结果表明:在筒形件的冷挤压中,筒状部分有显著的刚性平移现象,即高于凸模工作带的筒状部分在挤压过程中不发生塑性变形,仅沿着凸模挤压的反方向移动。结论 金属流动的速度场和位移场,以及挤压载荷变化趋势较直观地反映了筒形件冷挤压中的刚性平移现象,实际生产并获得了表面质量良好的过滤器零件。 |
英文摘要: |
The "rigid translation" phenomenon in cold extrusion process of cylinder parts is studied based on actual production experience in this paper. Numerical simulation was executed to analyze folding and damage tendency, metal flowing law and extrusion force in cold extrusion of filter. Simulation results show that: the rigid translation phenomenon occurs markedly at cylindrical wall of cylinder part in cold extrusion. When the cylindrical wall of part gets away from the working tap of punch, it just gets rid of plastic deformation during the subsequent extrusion and only translates in the opposite direction of punch motivate. Velocity field and displacement field of metal flowing, as well as the tendency of extrusion load, reflect intuitively the rigid translation phenomenon in cylinder part extrusion. Finally, actual productions were performed and cold extrusion parts with a good surface quality were obtained. |
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