5A06-O 铝镁合金板材温热成形本构方程研究
Constitutive Equation of 5A06-O Aluminium Magnesium Alloy Sheet in Warm / Hot Forming
Received:October 14, 2014  Revised:January 10, 2015
中文关键词: 铝镁合金  温热成形  本构方程  流变应力
英文关键词: aluminium magnesium alloy  warm/ hot forming  constitutive equation  flow stress
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Xi-ying School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
LANG Li-hui School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
LIU Kang-ning School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
GUO Chan School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
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      目的 提出5A06-O 铝镁合金板材在不同温度及应变率条件下的统一本构方程。方法 采用CCS-88000 电子万能试验机对5A06-O 铝镁合金板材进行不同变形温度和应变速率条件下的单向拉伸试验。结果 随着温度的升高,流变应力明显下降,同时,应变会显著增加;在常温时,应变速率对流变应力的影响不明显,但当温度高于150 ℃时,流变应力均随着应变速率的增加而升高。结论 提出了在温热条件下描述材料复杂流变曲线本构方程的建模方法-增函数相减法,通过该方法建立的本构方程形式简单,能够反映温度和应变率的影响,实现对复杂流变曲线较为准确的描述。
      To propose a unified constitutive equation of 5A06-O aluminum magnesium alloy sheet under the condition of different temperature and strain rate. Uniaxial tensile test of 5A06-O aluminum magnesium alloy sheet under the condition of different temperature and strain rate was conducted on a CCS-88000 electronic universal testing machine. With the increase of temperature, the flow stress decreased obviously and the maximum strain increased significantly. At room temperature, the influence of strain rate on flow stress was not obvious. When the temperature was higher than 150 ℃, the flow stress was elevated with the increase of strain rate. A modeling method called increasing functions subtracted by each other was proposed to describe the complex flow stress-strain curve in warm/ hot condition. The constitutive equation established by this method had a simple form, could reflect the influence of temperature and strain rate and describe the complex flow stress-strain curve more accurately.
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