铸态AZ80A 镁合金热加工图及高温变形行为研究 |
Hot Processing Maps and Hot Deformation Behavior of As-cast AZ80A Magnesium Alloy |
Received:November 10, 2014 Revised:January 10, 2015 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2015.01.003 |
中文关键词: AZ80A 镁合金 高温压缩 热加工图 高温变形行为 |
英文关键词: AZ80A magnesium alloy hot compression hot processing maps hot deformation behavior |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51275128) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 采用Instron5500R 热模拟试验机,研究铸态AZ80A 镁合金在变形温度为270 ~ 410℃、应变速率为0. 001 ~0. 5 s-1 条件下的热加工图及高温变形行为。方法 利用双曲正弦本构函数模型描述了铸态AZ80A 镁合金的高温变形行为,计算获得了该合金的变形激活能,构建了应变量为0. 3 和0. 6 时的热加工图。结果 得到了合金热变形本构模型及加工图,变形激活能为203. 5kJ/ mol,确定了应变为0. 3 和0. 6 时的动态回复区域为与动态再结晶区?=崧?铸态AZ80A 镁合金在330 ~380 ℃,0. 001 ~0. 01 s-1时发生了动态结晶,这是该合金最佳的热加工工艺参数范围。 |
英文摘要: |
Hot compression tests of as-cast AZ80A magnesium alloy were carried out with the strain rate range of 0. 001 ~ 0. 5 s-1 in the temperature range of 270 ~410 ℃to study the hot processing maps and hot deformation behavior, using an Instron-5500R testing machine. The hot deformation behavior of as-cast AZ80A magnesium alloy was characterized by the hyperbolic sine relationship and the activation energy was calculated. The hot processing maps were constructed when the strains were 0. 3 and 0. 6, respectively. Hot deformation constitutive model and the processing maps of as-cast AZ80A magnesium alloy were obtained, and the activation energy was 203. 5 kJ/ mol. The dynamic recovery region and the dynamic recrystallization region at the strains of 0. 3 and 0. 6 were determined. Dynamic recrystallization occurred in the temperature and strain rate ranges of 330 ~380 ℃and 0. 001 ~0. 01 s-1 , which were determined as the optimal ranges of the hot processing parameters. |
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