5A06 铝合金板材超塑气胀成形数值模拟
Numerical Simulation on 5A06 Aluminum Alloy Sheet by Superplastic Gas Bulging Forming
Received:October 02, 2014  Revised:November 10, 2014
中文关键词: 5A06 铝合金  正反胀形  壁厚均匀度
英文关键词: 5A06 aluminum alloy  positive and negative bulging forming  wall thickness evenness
Author NameAffiliation
BI Bao-peng Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology, Beijing 100083, China 
WANG Yong Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology, Beijing 100083, China 
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      目的 改善5A06 铝合金板材超塑性气胀成形件壁厚分布。方法 采用MARC 有限元分析方法,对商业供货态5A06-O 铝合金板材( 原始厚度为2 mm) 的超塑性成形进行数值模拟分析。结果 优化后的反吹预减薄变形,使杯形件最终壁厚分布大大改善,最薄处壁厚从单纯正吹胀形时的0. 65 mm 提高到了0. 94 mm,壁厚均匀性指数达到0. 079。结论 合理的反胀形模具可以增加最小壁厚,达到提高壁厚均匀性的目的。
      Objective Improvement of 5A06 aluminium alloy plate superplastic gas bulging forming wall thickness evenness. Methods The results of commercial supply state 5A06-O aluminum alloy sheet's (original thickness 2 mm) superplastic forming show that the uneven distribution of wall thickness of forming parts by using the method of MARC finite element analysis. Results The results show that the optimized blow the thinning deformation is greatly improve the cylindrical pieces of the final wall thickness distribution, the most in thin wall thickness from the simple was blowing bulging of increased by 0. 94 mm, 0. 65 mm wall thickness evenness index is 0. 079. Conclusion Reasonable the bulging die can in- crease the minimum wall thickness, achieve the goal of increasing wall thickness evenness.
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