Recent Researches in Industrial Plasticity Processing of Magnesium Alloy
Received:October 10, 2014  Revised:November 10, 2014
中文关键词: 镁合金  塑性加工  成本
英文关键词: Mg alloys  plasticity processing  cost
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Er-de Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 
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      简要介绍了10 年来课题组关于镁合金轧制、挤压、拉拔工艺研究的部分结果,大量反复的实验研究得给出的工艺参数与组织和力学性能关系说明,镁合金塑性差是可以改善的,可以实现AZ31 镁合金的冷挤压和冷拉拔。还论述了镁合金塑性加工产业技术要突破,必须在大幅度降低镁合金塑性加工生产成本的同时,大幅度提高镁合金板材、管材、棒材、线材的塑性,以便于二次塑性加成形时,不增加成本。这样才能形成镁合金塑性加工产业链,镁合金塑性加工才能实现大规模产业。课题组10 年来的研究,寻找到了既大幅度降低成本又大幅度提高塑性的新工艺原理与方法,为未来实现镁合金塑性加工产业大规模发展建立了技术基础。本文的看法,仅是为引起更多从事镁合金塑性加工技术人员与研究者关注,共同讨论镁合金塑性加工技术问题,争取早日将镁合金塑性加工产业发展起来。
      This paper provides a brief introduction to some of our research results concerning the rolling, squeezing and drawing techniques of magnesium alloy in the recent decade. As demonstrated by the technological parameters obtained from repeated experiments and the relationship between metal organization and its mechanical properties, the poor plasticity of magnesium alloy can be significantly improved and the magnesium alloy AZ31 can withstand cold squeezing and cold drawing. This paper holds that, for breakthroughs in the industrial processing of magnesium alloy, the plasticity of alloy plate, tube, bar and wire rod materials needs to be significantly improved while the cost of production must be notably lowered so that the secondary plasticity processing does not increase cost. Only in this way can the industry chain of plasticity processing of magnesium alloy come into being and turn into a large-scale industry. Our research group has discovered new technical principles and methods for such breakthroughs, which lays the technological foundation for the future large-scale industrialization. This paper is intended to arouse interests and discussions among the researchers and technicians in this field so that plasticity processing of magnesium alloy can be industrialized as soon as possible.
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