Failure Analysis of Spur Gear Mould in Closed-extruding Fine Blanking
Received:August 20, 2014  Revised:September 01, 2014
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 023
中文关键词: 失效形式  失效分析  模具寿命
英文关键词: failure form  failure analysis  mould service life
基金项目:国 家自 然科学基金资助项目 (51375521) ; 重庆市科技开发项目 ( cstc2012gg-yyjs60009)
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Lu-zhou Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
WANG Ruo-huang Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
DENG Ming Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
YI Xiao-bo Chongqing GaoKin Industry Co, . Ltd, Chongqing 401122, China作者英文单位 
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      目 的 探索闭 挤式精冲模具的失效情况及有效的 防止措施。 方法 根据模具的 受力 特点,分析了 闭 挤式精冲模具的主要失效形式。 通过实验、 检测 和金相分析, 研究了 模具失效的 主要原理。 结果 总结出 了 防止模具失效、延长模具使用 寿命的一些有效方法。 结论 闭 挤式精冲凸 模和主凹模失效主要发生在模具刃口 处, 改进模具结构, 优化工艺 参数, 能减小模具受力, 同 时选择优质的模具材料也能减少失效。
      Objective To understand the failure of the mould in closed-extruding fine blanking and to find effective methods to prevent failure. Methods The main failure form of the mould was analyzed according to the loading features. Experiments, tests and metallographic analysis were carried out to study the main principle of mould failure. Results Some effective ways to prevent mould failure and to prolong the service life of the mould were summarized. Conclusion The failure of punch and main-die in closed-extruding fine blanking process mainly occurred at the cutting edge. Improving the mould structure and optimizing process parameters could reduce the mould stress, and meanwhile selecting superior mould material could also reduce failure.
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