顶镦 Ag-Cu 复合触点 Ag 层厚度分布的研究
Thickness Distribution of the Ag Layer for the Upsetted Ag-Cu Composite Contact
Received:August 09, 2014  Revised:September 01, 2014
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 020
中文关键词: 顶镦  触点  厚度分布  预成形半锥角  摩擦因 数
英文关键词: upsetting  contact  thickness distribution  preforming half cone angle  friction coefficient
Author NameAffiliation
LIAO Dan-pei College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China 
ZHAN Yan-ran College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China 
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      目 的 解决继电器 Ag-Cu 复合触点顶镦成形后, Ag 层厚度分布不均的问 题。 方法 通过数值模拟分析了 其预成形和终成形过程中等效应变的分布, 以及 Ag-Cu 界面形状的变化规律及影响因 素, 并在预成形形状和摩擦因 数方面, 提出 了 改善 Ag 层厚度均 匀 性的措施。 结果 预成形模具形状及工件与 模具间 的摩擦, 对成形结果的 影响很大。 结论 半锥角 琢 取值居中 时, 终成形后易获得均匀 的 Ag 层厚度分布; 减小 Ag-上模间 摩擦因 数或增大 Cu-下模间 摩擦因 数, 则 有利 于增加终成形后 Ag 层厚度分布的均匀 性。
      Objective To solve the uneven thickness distribution of the Ag layer for the upsetted Ag-Cu composite relay contact. Methods Numerical simulation was used to analyze the distribution of effective strain during the process of preforming and final forming, and the change pattern of the shape of Ag-Cu interface and its influencing factors were also considered. And then, some measures to improve the thickness uniformity of the Ag layer were proposed from the aspects of preform shape and friction coefficients. Results The preform die shape and the friction between the workpiece and its dies had a great influence on the forming results. Conclusion It is easy to obtain uniform thickness distribution of the Ag layer after final forming, when an intermediate value is taken for the half cone angle 琢. It忆s beneficial to increase the uniformity of thickness distribution of the Ag layer, if the friction coefficient of Ag-upper die is increased or the friction coefficient of Cu -lower die is increased.
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