超声振动冷拔传动轴有限元仿真分析 |
FEM Simulation Analysis of the Cold Drawing Shaft with Ultrasonic Vibration |
Received:July 02, 2014 Revised:September 01, 2014 |
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 016 |
中文关键词: 超声 振动 冷拔 传动轴 冷拔力 摩擦力 |
英文关键词: ultrasonic vibration cold drawing drive shaft drawing force friction force |
基金项目:湖南省科技厅基金项目 (2011GK3194) ; 衡阳市科技计划 项目 (2012KG30) |
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中文摘要: |
目 的 研究超声 振动在冷拔传动轴过程中 起到 的 减摩降载作用 。 方法 以 冷拔 45 钢 准50mm 的传动轴为研究对象, 利 用 ANSYS 软件分别 对常规和超声 振动冷拔传动轴过程进行了 有限元模拟仿真, 对冷拔力和接触压应力进行了 分析。 结果 超声 振动冷拔的冷拔力 和接触压应力 都不同 程度地减小。 结论 与 常规冷拔过程相比, 超声 振动冷拔可以 有效地减小冷拔力 和摩擦力, 有利 于提高表面综合性能。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To study the effect of ultrasonic vibration in friction and load reduction during the cold drawing shaft. Methods The 准50 mm shaft of cold drawing 45 steel was used as the object of study. The cold drawing shaft with ultrasonic vibration and the normal cold drawing were simulated by the finite element software ANSYS. The drawing force and the contact compressive stress were analyzed. Results Both the drawing force and the contact compressive stress were reduced to various degrees while it was imposed with ultrasonic vibration. Conclusion The results showed that the cold drawing shaft with ultrasonic vibration could effectively reduce the drawing force and friction force, and was beneficial for improving the comprehensive properties of surface. |
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