高碳钢冷轧辊拔长过程内 部孔洞演变模拟分析 |
Simulation and Analysis on Void Evolution during Stretching Process of Super Carbon Steel Cold Rolls |
Received:May 12, 2014 Revised:September 01, 2014 |
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 012 |
中文关键词: 高碳钢 拔长 内 部质量 数值模拟 锻造工艺优化 |
英文关键词: super carbon steel stretching internal quality finite element simulation forming process optimization |
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中文摘要: |
目 的 研究拔长锻造过程中, 不同 的工艺 参数对锻件内 部孔洞 闭 合效果的 影响。 方法 采用 数值模拟的方法, 研究了 高碳钢冷轧辊拔锻坯在拔长锻造过程中, 下砧宽、 压下量、 送进量等关键工艺参数对锻坯内 部孔洞闭 合效果及应力应变分布状态的影响。 结果 3 个工艺参数都对锻件心部质量及内 部应力应变状态有影响。 结论 有效压实心部疏松缺陷的最佳砧宽为 200 mm; 采用每次压下量基本一致的工艺方案, 即每次压下率保持在 17% 左右, 可保证锻件变形均 匀 , 从而获得较好的心部质量; 相对送进量为 0. 8 时, 有利 于心部孔洞的锻合。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To study the effects of forming parameters on the cavity closure of the forgings. Methods The influences of anvil width, reduction, and feed on the cavity closure and distribution of strain were simulated in the stretching process of super carbon steel cold rolls. Results All three forming parameters had influences on the internal quality and distribution of strain of the forgings. Conclusion The best anvil width for the compaction effect was 200 mm; a uniform reduction of 17% could result in much more uniform deformation and better internal quality; the optimal relative feed for improving cavity closure was 0. 8. |
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