高强 TA18 钛管连续整体多弯成形精度控制
Precision Control Strategies of High Strength TA18 Titanium Alloy Tube in Multi-bending
Received:August 20, 2014  Revised:September 01, 2014
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 005
中文关键词: 高强钛合金管  整体多 弯  成形精度  回弹角  回弹半径  伸长
英文关键词: high strength titanium alloy tube  multi-bending  forming precision  springback angle  springback radius  elongation
基金项目:国 家自 然科学基金(51275415,51175429) ; 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 ; 高等学校学科创新引 智计划 ( B08040)
Author NameAffiliation
LI Heng State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China 
YANG He State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China 
ZHANG Zhi-yong State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China 
SONG Fei-fei State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China 
LI Guang-jun Chengdu Aircraft Industry ( Group) Corporation Ltd. , Chengdu 610092, China 
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      目 的 研究获得基于多 指标的高强 TA18 钛管整体多 弯管件成形精度控制 的 方法。 方法 在获得高强 TA18 钛管数控弯曲非线性回弹和伸长规律的基础上, 研究回弹角 、回弹半径的补偿方法和伸长控制方法, 其次将获得的成形精度控制 方法进行多 弯模拟应用 验证。 结果 对于回弹角和回弹半径, 采用 先补偿回弹半径再补偿回弹角 的两水平顺序控制 方法; 对于弯曲伸长, 采用 预先减少管材下料尺寸和改变弯头位置来控制 回弹后直线段长度的 控制 方法。 结论 应用 上述控制方法, 将多 弯模拟结果与 预成形管件几何尺寸进行对比, 获得成形角 度、半径和直线段长度的 最大相对误差分别 为 1. 00% ,5. 51% 和 5. 04% 。 上述误差满足多 弯管件装配精度要求, 证明 所提出 的成形精度控制方法是可靠的。
      Objective To obtain the multi-index constrained precision control strategies of high strength TA18 titanium alloy tube in multi-bending. Methods Based on the understanding of nonlinear springback and elongation characterizations of high strength TA18 titanium alloy tube in NC bending, the control strategies of springback angle, springback radius and bending elongation were firstly studied, and then the NC bending precision control strategies were verified by the multibending case. Results For angular and radial springback, a two level iterative springback compensation methodology was adopted. For bending elongation, a method that controls the length of straight portion by cutting the feed length in advance was proposed. Conclusion Appling these methods, the comparisons between simulated results and pre-designed tube were made. The maximum relative errors of forming angle, radius and length of straight portion were 1. 00% , 5. 51% , and 5. 04% respectively. These errors were lower than the tolerance required by tube subsequent assemble, which indicated that the forming precision control strategies were reliable.
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