大规格电镦技术研究方法及研究目 标的新突破及进展 |
New Breakthrough and Progress of Research Methods and Objectives about Large Size Electric Upsetting Technology |
Received:August 25, 2014 Revised:September 01, 2014 |
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 004 |
中文关键词: 电镦 晶粒度 分布不均匀 度 工艺参数 |
英文关键词: electric upsetting grain size inhomogeneous distribution process parameter |
基金项目:国 家自 然科学基金项目 (51305469) |
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中文摘要: |
介绍了 电镦研究方法及目 标, 就电 镦研究现状, 提出 了 从微观控制 角 度改进大规格电 镦技术, 在避免几何缺陷的同 时, 综合考虑电 镦件的 晶 粒均 细化。 运用 MSC. Marc 有限元模拟分析软件平台 自 主开发子程序, 建立了 气阀 件的 电 镦锻多 物理场动态耦合有限元模型, 通过构建电 镦件晶粒度及不均匀 度双目 标函数, 进行了 气阀 在具体方案下的 有限元仿真监控, 设计出 了 大规格气阀件的电镦电流非线性加载模式。 进一步比较了 该气阀 件在优化前后晶 粒度及不 均 匀 度双目 标函数值变化, 以及其晶粒度与 动态再结晶 体积分数分布等色云图 。 结果表明: 优化后的 双目 标函数值较优化前减小, 优化前后的坯料均 发生完全动态再结晶; 但优化后坯料平均 晶 粒度为 104. 33μm, 较优化前降低了 26. 29 μm, 优化后坯料晶粒度尺寸分布更加均匀 。 |
英文摘要: |
The research methods and objectives about electric upsetting were introduced briefly and the improvement coming from the micro control perspective of large size electric upsetting technology was proposed based on the current research. Ensure that parts with electric upsetting attain homogenized and fine grain while avoiding geometrical defects. The FEM for valves with electric upsetting, a multi-field coupling technology, was established in virtue of essential secondary development of the finite element simulation software MSC. Marc. And the electric upsetting current with nonlinear loading was further designed on the basis of finite element simulation monitoring for valves under the concrete scheme after the objective function about double target including grain size and inhomogeneous distribution was constructed. A further comparison of the valve parts in the value of double target and the isochromatic nephogram of grain size and the volume fraction of dynamic recrystallization showed that the objective function value was reduced after the optimization and the average grain size after optimization was 104. 33 μm and reduced by 26. 29 μm though full dynamic recrystallization occurred. The results show that valve blank acquire more uniform distribution. |
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