复杂型面轴类件高效高性能精密滚轧成形工艺及装备探讨 |
Discussion on the High-efficiency High-performance Precise Rolling Forming Process and Equipment of Shaft Parts with Complex Shape |
Received:August 25, 2014 Revised:September 01, 2014 |
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 001 |
中文关键词: 复杂型面轴类件 滚轧成形 工艺与 装备 |
英文关键词: shaft parts with complex shape rolling forming process process and equipment |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目 (51335009) ; 陕西省自然科学基金(2014JQ7273) |
Author Name | Affiliation | ZHAO Sheng-dun | School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China | LI Yong-yi | School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China | LIU Chen | School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China | FAN Shu-qin | School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China | LIANG Jin-tao | School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China |
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中文摘要: |
为解决诸如花键轴、螺纹、丝杠、蜗杆等高性能复杂型面轴类件的庞大需求量, 对该类复杂型面轴类件高效高性能精密滚轧成形的 基本工艺 原理、 特点进行了 简 介, 并重点对其典型的 平板模具滚轧、径向进给式滚轧、径向同 步式滚轧以及轴向进给式滚轧成形工艺方式, 以 及其装备应用 等情况, 进行了 分析介绍。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to solve the huge demand of the high-performance shaft parts with complex shape such as spline shaft, thread, ball screw and worm, etc. , the basic process principle and characteristics of the high-efficiency high-performance precise rolling forming process of shaft parts with complex shape were introduced, especially, the typical rolling forming process types including flat dies rolling, radial infeed rolling, radial synchronous rolling and axial infeed rolling, as well as the relevant equipments were analyzed and introduced in detail. |
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