Roughcast Quality Control of the Aluminum Alloy Cast Forge Composite Forming Technology
Received:January 06, 2014  Revised:July 01, 2014
中文关键词: 铝合金  冲制毛坯  质量控制
英文关键词: aluminum alloy  roughcast  quality control
Author NameAffiliation
CUI Chang-qi The North Hua'an Industry Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
XU Hong-shan The North Hua'an Industry Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
WEI Shao-rong The North Hua'an Industry Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
GONG-rui The North Hua'an Industry Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
WANG Qiu-ju The North Hua'an Industry Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
LIN Chen-hua The North Hua'an Industry Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161006, China 
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      目的 提高铝合金铸锻联合成形工艺毛坯冲制良品率。 方法 采用优化模具设计、设备配置,增加模具保温、坯料预润滑和坯料预处理工序等综合治理方法,开展生产实验研究。 结果 铝合金铸锻联合成形工艺毛坯冲制良品率由原来的不足 85 . 63 % ,提高到了 97 % 的稳定水平。 结论 7 A04 铸铝坯料的冲制成形条件,比 7 A04 挤压棒材的冲制成形条件要求高,用 7 A04 铝合金铸造坯料代替 7 A04 铝合金棒材冲制工件时,必须对毛坯冲制成形工艺进行细致的完善。
      Objective To increase the roughcast conformity rate of the aluminum alloy cast forge composite forming technology. Methods Comprehensive measures including optimization of mould design, equipment configuration, increasing temperature holding feature of the mould, beforehand lubricating and pretreatment of the blank material were adopted, and production experimental study was conducted. Results Aluminum alloy cast forge composite forming technology increased the roughcast conformity rate from below 85. 63% to stably 97% . Conclusion The cast forming condition of 7A04 cast aluminium material had higher requirements than those of 7A04 extrusion bar material. When 7A04 aluminium alloy casting material was used to replace the 7A04 aluminium alloy bar material for workpiece casting, the casting and forming technology for the semifinished material should be refined.
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