Constitutive Relationship of Magnesium Alloy Foil Based on the Size Effect
Received:April 26, 2014  Revised:July 01, 2014
中文关键词: AZ31 镁合金  微拉伸  尺寸效应  本构方程
英文关键词: AZ31 magnesium alloy  micro-tensile  size effect  constitutive equation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Bin School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
WANG Gang School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China 
LI Ping School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 探究 AZ31 镁合金微拉伸过程中存在的尺寸效应,提出适用于镁合金微拉伸的本构模型。 方法 以 AZ31 镁合金箔材为试验材料,分别针对不同厚度和不同晶粒大小的试样进行微拉伸试验。 结果 试样在单向拉伸时存在明显的尺寸效应,在实验数据的基础上对 Swift 模型进行修正,得到了适用于镁合金微拉伸过程的本构方程。 结论 用表面层模型解释了不同厚度的试样,在微拉伸试验时出现的尺寸效应现象,用细晶强化理论解释了不同晶粒尺寸的试样,在微拉伸试验时出现的尺寸效应现象;修正后的本构模型与试验数据吻合较好。
      Objective To explore the size effect of AZ31 magnesium alloy in the micro-tensile process, and to propose a constitutive model applicable to this process. Methods AZ31 magnesium alloy foil was used as the test material, and micro-tensile tests were carried out for samples with different thicknesses and grain sizes. Results There was obvious size effect in uniaxial tension, and the Swift model was modified based on the experimental data, resulting in a constitutive model that was suitable for magnesium alloy micro-tensile test. Conclusion The surface layer model was used to explain the phenomenon of size effect during the micro-tensile test of samples with different thicknesses, and the fine grain strengthening theory explained the phenomenon of size effect occurred during the micro-tensile test of samples with different grain sizes. The modified constitutive model agreed well with the experimental data.
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