20 A 钢热塑性变形的应力-应变本构模型研究
School of Material Science and Engineering,Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China
Received:June 02, 2014  Revised:July 01, 2014
中文关键词: 20 A 钢  Gleeble-1500 型热模拟  热变形行为  本构模型
英文关键词: 20A steel  Gleeble-1500 thermal simulation  hot deformation behavior  constitutive model
基金项目:重庆市重庆理工大学研究生创新基金项目( YCX2013209)
Author NameAffiliation
BAI Mei Stress-Strain Constitutive Model for Hot Deformation of 20 A Steel 
ZHANG Chi Stress-Strain Constitutive Model for Hot Deformation of 20 A Steel 
SHEN Guo-bao Stress-Strain Constitutive Model for Hot Deformation of 20 A Steel 
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      目的 研究 20 A 低碳钢在高温条件下的热变形行为及本构模型。 方法 采用 Gleeble-1500型热模拟压缩试验,研究在不同变形温度及变形速率条件下,材料的真实应力-应变之间的关系。结果 20 A 钢属于对温度和应变速率都敏感的材料,其流变曲线呈现出周期性动态再结晶特征。结论 通过对实验数据运用最小二乘法、多元线性回归方法及 Arrhenius 方程处理,得到了 20 A 材料热变形本构模型为 σ = 8 . 8650 ε0. 1445ε0. 1283exp(3475 . 23÷T),为 20 A 钢塑性加工过程的控制及模拟提供了理论基础。
      Objective With the purpose of studying the deformation behaviors and the constitutive model of 20A low carbon steel under the condition of high temperature. Methods A hot compression test for 20A steel was performed by using Gleeble-1500 thermal simulation-mechanical simulator under the condition of different deformation temperature and deformation rate to study the actual stress-strain relationship. Results The results showed that 20A steel was sensitive to the temperature and strain rate, and the rheological curves showed periodic characteristics of dynamic recrystallization. Conclusion The thermal deformation constitutive model ( σ = 8 . 8650 ε0. 1445ε0. 1283exp(3475 . 23÷T) of 20 A steel was established by numerical analysis, multivariate linear regression method and Arrhenius equation, which can provide guidance for the control and simulation of plastic deformation of 20A steel.
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