Springback Control of Mechanical Bulging Axle Housing Based on Mold Compensation Method
Received:April 28, 2014  Revised:July 01, 2014
中文关键词: 机械式胀形  回弹  数值模拟  模具补偿
英文关键词: mechanical bulging  springback  numerical simulation  mould compensation
基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金 ( 1308085JGD02 ) ; 安徽省科技攻关计划项目 ( 11010202160 ) ; 中央高校基本科 研业 务费专 项基(2013twkc0031)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Jiu-lin School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,China 
LI Ping School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,China 
LI Ji-long School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,China 
XUE Ke-min School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,China 
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      目的 解决由回弹引起的机械式胀形桥壳形状尺寸不精确的问题。 方法 采用 Marc 软件平台和物理实验相结合的方法展开研究,运用补偿法对模具进行修正,补偿回弹量。 结果 机械式胀形过程中,桥壳回弹量较大,单侧回弹量达到 6 . 06 mm,严重影响其形状尺寸精度。 结论 通过对模具进行适当修正, 桥壳回弹量得到了很好补偿, 成形效果较好, 得到了符合要求的桥壳零件,进一步完善了该工艺的理论基础。
      Objective To solve the inaccuracies in shapes and sizes of mechanical bulging axle caused by springback. Methods The research was conducted by the combined method of Marc software platform and physical experiments, using a compensation method to repair the mould to compensate the springback. Results The axle housing had a large springback, and the unilateral value reached 6. 06 mm which would seriously affect the accuracy in the shape and size of the axle housing. Conclusion The numerical simulation and experimental results showed that the forming effect was much better, and the springback was better compensated, which met the requirements of the axle housing parts. Meanwhile, the theoretical foundation of this process was further improved.
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