纯铝粉末等径角挤压固结模拟及实验研究 |
Consolidation Simulation and Experimental Research of Pure Aluminum Powder Materials during Equal Channel Angular Pressing |
Received:April 22, 2014 Revised:July 01, 2014 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.16746457.2014.04.005 |
中文关键词: 纯铝粉末 等径角挤压 固结成形 |
英文关键词: pure aluminum powder equal channel angular pressing consolidation forming |
基金项目:霍英东教育基金会资助项目(121053) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究纯铝粉末在等径角挤压( ECAP) 工艺下的固结行为。 方法 采用 Deform 软件对铝粉的 ECAP 工艺进行热力耦合有限元模拟分析,研究粉末致密情况、 静水压力情况以及温度场分布情况等,剖析铝粉的固结行为。 通过铝粉的 ECAP 实验对粉末的固结质量进行综合评定。结果 有限元模拟表明,ECAP 剪切转角处静水压力最大,温度最高,相对密度接近 0 . 97 ,接近完全致密材料,为粉末固结提供了必要前提。 实验结果表明,在 200 ℃ 条件下,可以通过 ECAP 工艺将铝粉固结成为块体材料。 结论 ECAP 变形过程能够在较低的温度条件下实现粉末的固结行为。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To study pure aluminum powder consolidation behavior under ECAP process. Methods The soft ware Deform was used for thermodynamic coupling finite element simulation analysis of the aluminum powder ECAP process . The density, force and temperature distribution of the powder were studied to analyze the consolidation behavior of aluminum powder. The quality of powder consolidation was evaluated through the ECAP experiment of aluminum powder. Results Based on the compressible continuous medium theories, thermodynamic coupling finite element simulation of the a luminum powder ECAP process showed that the hydrostatic pressure of the sample reached the maximum when it passed through the intersection part. There was a significant effect of shear heating at the intersection part, resulting in the peak temperature. The relative density could reach 0. 97, and the almost fully dense material provided favorable conditions for powder consolidation. Experimental results showed that pure aluminum powder could be successfully consolidated into fully dense bulk material at 200 ℃ using ECAP. Conclusion The ECAP deformation process was conducive to consolidate the powder under the condition of low temperature. |
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