Research and Development of the Database System of Shot Blasting Forming Process
Received:March 10, 2014  Revised:March 16, 2014
中文关键词: 喷丸成形  工艺  B / S 架构  数据库系统
英文关键词: shot blasting forming  process  B / S framework  database system
基金项目:国防基础科研项目( A0520110035)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhou School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
DONG Jin-liang Sheet Metal Forming Factory, Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation, Chengdu 610092, China 
HUANG Zhen-biao Sheet Metal Forming Factory, Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation, Chengdu 610092, China 
LIU Jie Sheet Metal Forming Factory, Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation, Chengdu 610092, China 
WAN Min School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 
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      目的 配合飞机制造厂进一步更新技术,以信息化技术提升传统的飞机壁板喷丸成形工艺。方法 收集了飞机生产、型号预研、板金工艺手册、工艺试验等大量数据信息,采用 Oracle11 g 数据库管理系统,应用 Powerdesigner 开发软件,进行了数据库系统的研究与开发。 结果 研究开发了一个集资料文档、材料性能、基础数据、简单试件试验、喷丸成形实例和设备管理等数据的 B / S 架构喷丸成形工艺数据库系统。 结论 实现了工艺数据的积累、共享、重用,达到了提高工艺设计水平与生产效率的目的。
      Objective To coordinate further technology renovation for aircraft factories and improve the conventional aircraft shot blasting forming process with information technology. Methods A great deal of data and information were collected for the aircraft manufacturing, pre-research, sheet metal forming manual, and process experiments. Research and development of database system were conducted using Oracle11g database management system and Powerdesigner software.Results A B / S framework shot blasting forming process database system was developed, which included the data and information documents, material properties, basic data, simple specimen tests, shot blasting forming cases and equipment management data. Conclusion The accumulation, sharing and reusing of process data were realized, and meanwhile the process design level and production efficiency were improved.
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