Effects of the Punch-nose Radii on the Stress State of Core Deformation Zone in Shearing-extruding Trimming Technology
Received:March 03, 2014  Revised:May 01, 2014
中文关键词: 剪挤复合精整  核心变形区  凸模圆角  压应力
英文关键词: shearing-extruding trimming  core deformation zone  punch-nose radii  compressive stress
基金项目:重庆市科委项目( cstc2012gg-yyjs60009,cstc2013yykfc60004)
Author NameAffiliation
YUAN Qiu Chongqing University of technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
DENG Ming Chongqing University of technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
NING Guo-song Chongqing University of technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
WEN Li Chongqing University of technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
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      目的 为了提高剪挤复合精整加工零件的成形质量,研究了关键工艺参数对核心变形区应力状态的影响。 方法 利用理论分析的方法,确定了凸模圆角是影响核心变形区应力状态的关键工艺参数;进一步利用有限元模拟和物理实验相结合的方法,研究了不同凸模圆角半径对核心变形区应力状态的影响。 结果 在一定范围内,模具圆角越大,所提供的压应力也就越大。 结论 压应力可以抑制撕裂产生,从而降低成形面损伤,所以一定范围内增大模具圆角可以提高成形质量。
      Objective To study the effects of key process parameters on the stress state of core deformation zone in shearing-extruding trimming technology,so as to improve the quality of the parts. Methods The effects of punch-nose radii on the stress state of core deformation zone were studied through theoretical analysis, numerical simulation as well as physical experiment. Results The results indicated that the punch-nose angle provided lateral and vertical extrusion to materials of core deformation zone and placed it in a state of compression. Conclusion The compressive stress could prevent tear, reduce the forming surface damage and improve the forming quality.
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