Strength Checking and Structure Optimization of Die for Connection Block of Warm Extrusion
Received:March 10, 2014  Revised:May 01, 2014
中文关键词: 连接块  有限元模拟  温挤压成形  强度校核
英文关键词: connection block  FEM simulation  warm extrusion forming  strength checking
Author NameAffiliation
MA Jun-lin School of Materials Science & Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
SONG Jian School of Materials Science & Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
LI Ping School of Materials Science & Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 解决铝合金连接块温挤压成形过程中出现的模芯开裂和上模载荷过大的问题。 方法 基于有限元软件 Deform-3 D 进行了三维有限元模拟,研究了连接块成形过程和模芯的受力状态。结果 结果表明,局部应力过大是导致模芯开裂的主要原??通过优化上模结构、增设溢流槽等措施以增大金属流动面积,可以显著降低模芯内腔局部应力和上模载荷。 结论 采用理论计算验证了 2 层组合凹模的安全性,有利于提高连接块的成形质量和凹模模芯的使用寿命。
      Objective To solve the problem that core cracked and excessive load formed on the top die during the warm extrusion forming process of aluminum alloy connection block. Methods Simulation was conducted using Deform-3D, and the forming process and the state of the core were analyzed in the paper. Results The results showed that the main cause for cracks in the intra cavity of the core was the excessive local pressure. The load on the top die and the stress in the part where the cracks easily appeared were significantly reduced through improving the structure of top die, such as adding two spillway troughs. And it also increased the metal flow area. Conclusion The security of the two-layer assembled cavity die after optimization of the top die structure was confirmed using theory checking. As a result, the quality of connection block was improved and the life of the core was prolonged.
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