Precision Coining Process of Crankshaft Hub Tooth
Received:March 13, 2014  Revised:May 01, 2014
中文关键词: 曲轴轮毂  中间齿  精压  数值模拟  试验验证
英文关键词: crankshaft hub  precision coining  numerical simulation  experimental validation
Author NameAffiliation
LI Bei-bei Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
YAN Jun Nantong FLD Automobile Parts Company, Nantong 226000, China 
LIU Yu-sheng Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
HE Peng Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
XUE Ke-min Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      目的 为了解决某型号曲轴轮毂中间齿形充填困难的问题。 方法 对齿形精压过程进行了数值模拟,分析了不同摩擦因数、减压孔尺寸对金属流动分布、等效应变及成形载荷的影响,并进行了试验验证。 结果 摩擦因数影响变形金属轴向和径向的流动分布,减压孔尺寸影响分流面位置及金属的流动速度;根据模拟结果,生产出了合格的产品。 结论 摩擦因数过小,径向流动阻力减小,不利于金属轴向流动充填齿形,较大的摩擦因数有利于齿形充填,但是摩擦因数过大会导致成形载荷过大;随着减压孔直径增大,金属的分流面外移,对大直径处齿形充填不利。 模拟结果对实际生产具有重要的指导意义。
      Objective In order to solve the filling difficulty of one type of crankshaft hub tooth. Methods The precision coining process was studied by numerical simulation, the effects of different friction coefficient and pressure relief hole size on metal flow distribution, equivalent strain and forming load were analyzed, and the results were validated by experiments. Results The friction coefficient affected the deformation of metal flow in axial and radial directions, and the pressure relief hole size affected shunt surface position and metal flow velocity. According to the simulation results , qualified products were produced. Conclusion The radial flow resistance was reduced because of too low friction coefficient, which was not conducive to the axial flow of filling tooth shape. Larger friction coefficient was advantageous for tooth filling, but excessive friction coefficient led to large forming load. As the relief hole diameter increased, the shunt of the metal surface was moving outwards, which was adverse to the tooth filling. The simulation results guides the production practice, and is of great significance.
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