Simulation Research and Process Optimization on Power Spinning of Aluminum Wheel
Received:March 08, 2014  Revised:May 01, 2014
中文关键词: 铝合金车轮  一次性大减薄率  强力旋压  Simufact  旋轮轨迹  旋轮载荷
英文关键词: aluminum wheel  large thinning ratio one-time  power spinning  Simufact  roller track  load of roller
基金项目:河北省自然科学基金( F2013203186) ;河北省高等学校青年基金项目( Q2012044 ) ;燕山大学青年教师自主研究计划课题(13LGA020)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhen CITIC Dicastal Co. , Ltd. , Qinhuangdao 066011,China 
YANG Yang Liren College of Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
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      目的 研究铝合金车轮的一次性大减薄率强力旋压模拟,以及工艺的改善方案。 方法 基于 Simufact 旋压模块,对铝合金车轮的一次性大减薄率强力旋压进行了数值模拟,分析了旋轮的运动轨迹对旋压成形、材料等效应力、旋轮载荷的影响。 结果 通过调整 3 个旋轮的工作轨迹,重新分配每个旋轮的错距、减薄率,控制材料的隆起,解决了折叠、裂纹和设备过载等问题。 结论 实现了铝合金车轮一次性大减薄率旋压成形,一次性减薄率达到 70% 以上。
      Objective To study the simulation and process optimization on power spinning of aluminum wheel. Methods Based on Simufact spinning module,the large thinning ratio in one-time power spinning of aluminum wheel was simulated, the effects of roller track on the shape forming, material equivalent stress and load of roller were analyzed. Results Through readjusting of the track of 3 rollers, the distance and thinning ratio of each roller were redistributed, and material raising was controlled, solving the forming defect such as overlap, crack and overload. Conclusion Large thinning ratio one-time power spinning was achieved, and the thinning ratio of one-time reached over 70% .
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