塑料药筒结构设计及吹塑成形工艺 |
Structure Design and Molding Process of Plastic Cartridge |
Received:January 16, 2014 Revised:March 01, 2014 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2014.02.013 |
中文关键词: 塑料药筒 结构设计 成形工艺 性能检测 |
英文关键词: plastic cartridge case structural design molding process performance testing |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | LIU Hai-yan | The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China | YANG Jian | The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China | JIANG Chun-mao | The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China | LOU Yong-jian | The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China | ZHANG Li-na | The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China | ZHOU Yu-hang | The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 解决药筒在射击后退壳故障问题,降低生产成本。 方法 将钢质药筒改成塑料药筒,并进行了拉伸力学性能检测、合膛性能以及靶场射击试验。 结果 产品通过了相关性能检测,满足使用要求。 结论 全面解决了在高膛压条件下射击时,因金属药筒变形而出现半退壳和不退壳状态的故障问题。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To solve the shot ejection failure problem of the cartridge, and to reduce the production cost.Methods The steel cartridge was replaced by plastic cartridge, and tested for tensile mechanical properties, bore performance and shooting range. Result The products passed the relevant performance testing, and met the requirements of use.Conclusion A comprehensive solution was developed for the failure of the ejection and incomplete ejection due to the metal cartridge case deformation under the high chamber pressure conditions during shooting. |
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