50 SiMnVB 壳体裂纹原因分析
Cause Analysis for Cracks in the 50 SiMnVB Shell
Received:October 30, 2013  Revised:March 01, 2014
中文关键词: 壳体折叠  裂纹分析  淬火
英文关键词: shell folding  analysis of cracks  quenching
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Xiao-ying The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHUANG Ming-hui The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China 
JIANG Chun-mao The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China 
SONG Rui-hua The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China 
LIU You-jiang The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China 
LIU Shu-yan The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China 
LIU Dian-fu The North Hua'an Industrial Group Company, Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      目的 分析某产品壳体在热处理后,存在“ 周向”环形裂纹疵病的原因。 方法 通过宏观和微观观察、金相组织检查和化学成分分析检测、加工过程分析、验证试验等,确定了壳体裂纹疵病的性质和产生的原因。 结果 该疵病是由于收口模引模角偏大,经连续生产时收口模由于磨损产生挂腊,并逐渐加重,使口部引模角位置摩擦力增大,导致毛坯收口后距口部 70 ~ 75 mm 位置( 机加后为 50 ~ 55 mm) 逐渐形成环形“ 折叠”。 对未收口壳体修改收口模引入角由 20 o 改为 10 o ,经验证,在收口过程中没有产生局部金属堆积变形,消除了口部折叠,彻底解决了收口“ 折叠”问题。 经过热处理、机加、磁力探伤考核,未出现壳体口部裂纹问题。 结论 收口毛坯折叠是产生壳体口部淬火“ 周向”裂纹的直接原因。
      Objective To analyze the causes for the circumferential annular crack faults appeared in the product shell after heat treatment. Methods The nature and causes of the crack faults in the shell were determined through macroscopic and microscopic observation, microstructure examination, chemical composition analysis, and validation tests. Results The cause for the fault was the occurrence and aggravation of waxing during the continuous production caused by wear and tear due to the large angle of the convergent die, which led to the enlarged friction in the position of the die angle at the mouth,resulting in the gradual formation of circular " fold" at the position of 70 ~ 75 mm from the mouth (50 to 55 mm after machining) . The angle of inlet of the beading die was reduced from 20o to 10o for the un-convergent shell. It was verified that there was no local metal accumulation in the converging process, the mouth folding was eliminated, and the problem of the convergent " fold" was completely solved. After heat treatment, machining, magnaflux inspection, there were no mouth shell crack problems. Conclusion The folding of the convergent blank is the direct cause for the circumferential cracks at the mouth of the shell after quenching.
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