Improvement on Processing Technology of a Deep-hole Casing Product
Received:November 11, 2013  Revised:November 11, 2013
中文关键词: 壳体  深孔  壁厚差  冲拔  工艺基准
英文关键词: shell  deep-hole  wall thickness difference  drawing  process benchmarking
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Guang-jun North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
WANG Lian-yi North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
LI Fang-jun North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
SUN Jia-li North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
SUN Li-hua North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
XIAO Hong North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHAO Tong-yu North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
MA Ting-jun North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
YANG Da-wei North Hua'an Industry Group Corporation Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      目的 某产品壳体为关键重要零件,壳体内承载大部分零部件,壳体加工精度的高低,直接影响产品设计指标,壳体内孔较深,且壳体壁厚差设计精度要求相对较高,加工后部分壳体出现壁厚差超差问题,影响产品加工质量,为此进行工艺技术改进,解决深孔壳体加工壁厚差超差问题。方法 通过改进壳体预压型、冲拔工艺,改变拔伸毛坯冷却方式,增加壳体内膛喷砂工序,提高壳体内膛冲拔加工精度;改进壳体机加工艺及装夹定位工艺基准,改进夹具设计结构,使加工装夹定位工艺基准统一,消除多次装夹累计误差。 结果 通过工艺技术优化改进,解决了壳体加工壁厚差超差问题。 结论 提高了壳体加工精度,降低了壳体加工废品损失,节约了生产成本。
      Objective A product shell is a key part for bearing most of the parts. The machining accuracy of the shell has a direct impact on product design indexes. In case of a deep hole in the casing and a high accuracy demand in the design of the shell wall thickness difference, there will be out of tolerance in the shell wall thickness after processing, which affects the machining quality of the products. Therefore, technology improvement is required to solve the out -of -tolerance problem in the wall thickness of the deep-hole shell during processing. Methods The drawing processing accuracy of the shell bore was enhanced by improving the preloading type of the shell and the drawing technology, changing the cooling method in drawing the semi -finished product, and increasing the sandblasting procedures of the shell bore. The cumulative error of multiple clamping was eliminated by improving the processing technology and benchmark clamping positioning process, improving the structure of fixture design to standardize the benchmark processing clamping positioning process. Results Through technology optimization, the out - of - tolerance problem in the shell wall thickness during processing was solved. Conclusion This technology improved the machining accuracy of the shell, reduces the loss of shell processing waste, and decreases the cost of production.
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