Ultrasonic Alternative Current TIG Welding
Received:July 10, 2013  Revised:July 10, 2013
中文关键词: TIG 焊  超声  铝合金  微观组织
英文关键词: TIG welding  ultrasonic  aluminum alloy  microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
XU Ming-da Physics Department, Qiqihar Normal College, Qiqihar 161006, China 
LU Yun-long School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China 
JIANG Guo-yu Physics Department, Qiqihar Normal College, Qiqihar 161006, China 
E Ying-zi Physics Department, Qiqihar Normal College, Qiqihar 161006, China 
YU Jia-li Physics Department, Qiqihar Normal College, Qiqihar 161006, China 
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      目的 研究复合焊接过程中,发射端高度、喷嘴高度及保护气流量等工艺参数对空气中声场强度的影响规律及作用机理。 方法 采用分组实验的方法,分析了各焊接工艺参数对声场强度的影响。 结果 研究结果表明:发射端高度及喷嘴高度对声场强度影响最大,保护气流量几乎无影响;不同发射端高度下,声场强度峰值所对应的喷嘴高度不同。 结论 通过对实验结果进行分析,得到了优化的焊接工艺参数:发射端高度为 30 mm,喷嘴高度为 11 mm,弧长为 4 mm,电流为 120A,保护气流量为 25 mL / min;得出了交流复合超声 TIG 堆焊中,超声可细化组织并使组织均匀化。
      Objective To research the effect rule and mechanism of the emission end height, nozzle height and shielding gas flow on the acoustic field intensity during the welding process. Methods A grouped experiment was carried out to analyze the effect of welding parameters on the acoustic field intensity. Results The results indicated that the emission end height and nozzle height had the greatest impact on the acoustic field intensity whereas the flux of shielding gas has no effect . With different emission end heights, the nozzle heights corresponding to the maximum of acoustic field intensity were different. Conclusion Through the analysis of the experimental results, the optimized parameters of welding process can be obtained: emission end height is 30 mm, nozzle height is 11 mm and the length of arc is 4mm; welding current is 120 A and the flux of shielding gas is 25 mL / min. Experiments of composite ultrasonic alternative current TIG bead welding shows that ultrasound can refine the organization and make the organization uniform.
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