锻造工艺及热处理参数对 GH738 合金环形锻件组织均匀性的影响
Effects of Forging Technology and Parameters of Heating Treatment on the Microstructure Uniformity of GH738 Ring Part
Received:September 10, 2013  Revised:October 01, 2013
中文关键词: GH738 合金  环形锻件  组织均匀性
英文关键词: GH738 alloy  ring forging part  microstructure uniformity
Author NameAffiliation
TAI Qing-an Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine ( Group) Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110043, China 
LI Xiao-guang Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine ( Group) Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110043, China 
GUO Zhen-xing Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine ( Group) Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110043, China 
ZHAO Xing-dong Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine ( Group) Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110043, China 
WANG Jian-yan Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine ( Group) Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110043, China 
XU Qiang Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine ( Group) Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110043, China 
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      对同一炉材料实施 2 种不同轧环锻造过程,而后在锻态下进行了 1020 ℃ / 4 h,1040 ℃ / 4 h 固溶处理,以及 845 ℃ / 4 h 稳定化和 760 ℃ / 16 h 时效处理。 通过对组织变化的对比,分析了锻造工艺和热处理参数对 GH738 合金环形锻件组织均匀性的影响规律。 结果表明:不同锻造工艺对 GH738 合金环形锻件各部位的组织均匀性的影响不大,2 种工艺均可获得均匀的组织,但其晶粒度等级有所不同;较低的固溶温度(1020 ℃ ) 更有利于提高 GH738 合金环形件的组织均匀性,较高的固溶温度(1040 ℃ ) 使得合金的混晶现象更明显。
      Two different processes of ring forging were carried out with the material in the same heat. Solution treatments under 1020 ℃ for 4 h and 1040 ℃ for 4 h, stabilization under 845 ℃ for 4 h and aging treatments under 760 ℃ for 16 h were conducted subsequently. Through the microstructure comparison, effects of forging technology and parameters of heating treatment on the microstructure uniformity of GH738 alloy ring parts were analyzed. The results showed that forging technology had little effect on the microstructure uniformity of GH738 alloy ring parts, homogeneous microstructures could be obtained by the two technologies, but the scales of grain size were different, besides, lower temperature of solution treatment( about 1020 ℃ ) was beneficial to the improvement of microstructure uniformity, higher temperature( about 1040 ℃ ) more easily led to the occurrence of mixed crystals phenomenon.
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