Design of a Melt Conveying Machine Having a Closed Tank to Ensure the Melt Cleanliness
Received:May 13, 2013  Revised:August 01, 2013
中文关键词: 取注浆机  闭式浆罐  高洁净金属浆料
英文关键词: metal melt convey machine  closed slurry tank  clean metal slurry
基金项目:2012 年广东省战略性新兴产业核心技术攻关项目(2011A010802005)
Author NameAffiliation
LI Zhen-jian Guangdong KEDA Industrial Co. ,Ltd. , Foshan 528313, China 
YE Han Nanchang University, Nanchang 330009, China 
LIU Xu-bo Nanchang University, Nanchang 330009, China 
YANG Xiang-jie Nanchang University, Nanchang 330009, China 
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      为保证取注浆机在取出和运送过程中金属浆料的洁净度和温度,研发设计了一种由浆罐、浆罐移动系统和机架等 3 部分组成的闭式高洁净取注浆机,包括方案设计、浆罐移动系统的设计和机架的设计。 闭式高洁净取注浆机提高了取注浆过程的安全性、准确性,原料质量处于受控状态,在生产对浆料质量要求较高的压铸件时,闭式高洁净取注浆机可以替代传统的浇汤机,使压铸件产品的质量得到进一步提升。
      In order to ensure the cleanliness and temperature of the metal slurry in transporting process, a melt convey machine having a closed slurry tank, slurry tank mobile system and the frame was designed. The melt convey machine having a closed tank has good safety and accuracy, The metal slurry quality can be in good condition. In the production of casting product with higher quality clean metal melt should be required, the melt conveying machine can replace the traditional machine for enhancing the quality of die casting products.
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