2 种冷摆辗机工作台液压系统的分析对比
Construction of Lower Table Hydraulic Systems of Two Types of Cold Orbital Forming Machine
Received:April 01, 2013  Revised:August 01, 2013
中文关键词: 冷摆辗  液压系统分析  恒功率控制
英文关键词: cold orbital forming  hydraulic system analysis  constant power control
Author NameAffiliation
LI Si-qi Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology, Beijing 100083, China 
FENG Wen-cheng Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology, Beijing 100083, China 
YAO Wan-gui Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology, Beijing 100083, China 
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      研究了 2 种国外典型冷摆辗机工作台液压系统的运动要求,分析了两系统在工作循环中液压元件的动作,并通过对比二者在液压控制系统的设计、液压动力源的选择以及高压泵流量不足的解决方案上的不同。 结果表明,波兰产冷摆辗机液压系统结构简单,成本低廉,自动化程度低,抗污染能力差,技术升级潜力小;瑞士产冷摆辗机液压系统集成度高,自动化程度高,成本高昂,技术难度大,系统温升较大。
      This paper studied the movement requirements of lower table hydraulic systems in two typical types of foreign cold orbital forming machine, analyzed the actions in working loops,then compared the differences of the hydraulic valves and pumps used and the different solutions to the problem of flow deficiency of high pressure pump. The conclusions are obtained that hydraulic system of machine made in Poland have simple structure and is low in cost and low in automation level, is poor in contamination resistance ability. By contrast, Swiss system has higher automation and integration level, but it costs more and gets hot easily, and is difficult in technology.
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