35 Cr3 NiMoA 钢件的热处理工艺改进
Heat Treatment Improvement of a 35 Cr3 NiMoA Steel Part
Received:May 13, 2013  Revised:August 01, 2013
中文关键词: 35 Cr3 NiMoA  热处理  回火  应力
英文关键词: 35Cr3NiMoA  heat treatment  temper  stress
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Xiao-ying Northern Heilongjiang Hua忆an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHUANG Ming-hui Northern Heilongjiang Hua忆an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
WANG Li-hua Northern Heilongjiang Hua忆an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
SONG Rui-hua Northern Heilongjiang Hua忆an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
QIAN Xiao-liang Northern Heilongjiang Hua忆an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
LIU Dian-fu Northern Heilongjiang Hua忆an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
SHAN Li-jian Northern Heilongjiang Hua忆an Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      为满足产品热处理后头部具有足够的强度,心部与整个截面均淬透,整个截面布氏硬度印痕直径按梯度分布,头部布氏硬度印痕直径达到 2 . 9 ~ 3 . 1 mm,尾部布氏硬度印痕直径达到 3 . 3 ~ 3 . 6 mm 的工艺要求,最终采用局部感应回火热处理。 在靶场强度试验时,产品头部出现断裂现象,分析原因是局部感应回火热处理后,温度梯度产生内应力所致。 为解决此问题,热处理后增加一次全弹回火,消除了由于温度梯度而产生的应力。 工艺改进后,经小批量生产考核,产品质量稳定,通过了靶场穿透强度试验,保证了产品性能,并利于切削加工。
      To meet the requirement of sufficient strength of the product head after heat treatment, the core and whole section requires hardening, the entire cross section of brinell hardness stain diameter should has gradient distribution, the brinell hardness mark head diameter requirement is 2. 9 ~ 3. 1 mm, the tail brinell hardness stain diameter requirement is 3. 3 ~ 3. 6 mm. Finally local induction tempering heat treatment is used. In gunnery range strength test the phenomenon of product head crack appears. The cause is analyzed that it is caused by internal stress because of temperature gradient after local induction tempering heat treatment. In order to solve this problem tempering as a whole is added after heat treatment to relieve the stress. After process improvement quality is stable by small batch production check, and strength test passes through, which guarantees the product performance and is favourable for machining.
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